Selasa, April 26, 2011

Just The Way You Finish of Your Life

Life is just sort of games. Turn it on, run a mission by mission, mission accomplished and turn it off. When the games goes off, you've got the score for what you've done when you run the game.

Fair enough right? and we're almost done the games, mate.

Desmond Hume says: See you in another life brother!! You could be solved the games only in 7 hours, a long time but also short time if you still playing over and over and over again to reach the purpose as soon as you can.

So, take care of your life, pal. Because no one knows about what will happen in every chapter. It's so suddenly, you can't go away from one mission and just skip it. You have to face it and you can go ahead to the next round.

Actually you had an two option when you decided to paused the games,
  • Option A: Quit the game and go back to main menu (kinda loser i thought)
  • Option B: Start from the beginning.

For me especially, if i have to paused the games and i felt so stuck, i really choose an option B. FYI, the author almost 20 years old when he wrote this post. It's not too early for give an advice, isn't it? Perhaps this post never seen by someone. Pleasure if you read this mate.

Best Regards, MSArmandi

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